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Type Example Notes
Fuzzy kettle~ Contain terms that are close to the word kettle, such as cattle
Wild cat* Contain terms that begin with cat, such as category and the extact term cat itself
Exact-Single orange Contain the term orange
Exact-Phrase "dnn is awesome" Contain the exact phase dnn is awesome
OR orange bike Contain the term orange or bike, or both. OR, if used, must be in uppercase
orange OR bike
AND orange AND bike Contain both orange and bike. AND must be in uppercase
Combo (agile OR extreme) AND methodology Contain methodology and must also contain agile and/or extreme
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Limit the search results modified within the specified time.
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Search results must be an exact match for the keywords.


Tue - Sun: 10am until show time (5pm if no show)

Closed Monday's except for Public Holiday shows.

If so, will be Closed Tuesday.
Prices can be found under the Ticket Prices tab at top of page.
(Booking fees apply).


0497 667 269

Loritz Circus T/a The Great Moscow Circus EXTREME

 HEAD OFFICE - 537 Jacobs Well Rd 

Alberton Qld 4207



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